Change Is Gonna Come

A picture of a stack of coins

That’s right, Otis Redding famously sang the phrase and I’m gonna say it too. A change is gonna come. Ok, he was talking about segregation and civil rights in America and I’m talking about changing my website, but it’s still a change nonetheless.

I’ve been pondering how best to utilise and get the most out of it for a while. I want to see a lot more activity here and I don’t want the blog to be so separate from everything else. The reason for this separation is technical. The blog runs on WordPress but the rest of my site is built with Drupal. They’re both lovely Open Source PHP systems but it struck me recently I should really just use WordPress for the whole thing. All I’m doing in Drupal now is making some static pages around this blog anyway. WordPress can do that. So as we speak I’ve copied this blog onto some development web space and I’m reworking that version. Kicking the tires, checking the oil, and other such motoring metaphors.

The content is already in there and it shouldn’t take long. Famous last words. It probably won’t mean much difference for anyone reading this but it’ll allow me to centralise. I’ve been trying to do too many things at once and spreading myself a bit thin, as is often my way. Music, podcasting, production, videos, technical writing and more general blogging can all be incorporated. This way I can feed all content into here and activity will go up. I can use a music page to embed tracks from Bandcamp, post YouTube videos of performances and much more. Hopefully building momentum.

I hope it won’t take long but expect to see some changes very soon. A new leaner, meaner and angrier (angrier? I’m running out of now) machine. I’m back to motoring metaphors, I don’t even care much about cars, never been an interest of mine. I must have absorbed too much Top Gear from the TV earlier tonight.

Stay tuned, thanks for your patience and in the meantime you can enjoy the genius of Otis with the video above 🙂


UPDATE: Apparently that song was written by Sam Cooke originally. Otis did a famous version.


    • @Egil – Thanks for the info. As a music geek I really should have known that. The Otis Redding version of the tune is the one I know best. Lots have people have done it including Aretha Franklin and Al Green, it’s an amazing song 🙂

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